Upcoming Swim Team Events

5/18 - Tie Dye and Ice Cream Social for Swim Team

5/19 - Time Trials at OPP Pool (Don't Forget to Commit Your Swimmer to the Event and Strokes for This on SportsEngine)

NOW - Signup for Volunteer Positions (Review Website for More Details)

Notable Events *Some Could Impact Pool Use*

Start Wars Episode IV Movie Showing on the Big Screen at 5:30 on "May the 4th"

Cinco De Mayo on 5/5

*NOTE: Feel free to bring drinks, but NO GLASS AT THE POOL!

Atma Yoga on 5/4 & 5/5 @ (9-10 AM)

Swim Team Clinics on 5/4 & 5/5 (11-1 PM)

Swim Team Practices 5/6-5/10

Masters Swim on 5/6, 5/8, 5/10 @ 9:00 AM

The Newsletter for Park Pool

It's party weekend at OPP.  Both Saturday and Sunday are going to be cold, but filled with fun.  Stop in to celebrate--the pool will be warm!  ALSO, starting next Monday, our hours shift a bit and families can start swimming at 1:00 PM Monday through Friday.  Be sure to check the schedule below for the swim hours of each day in May.

Practice Updates

The numbers are picking up for each age group, and the coaches are coming back!  This week, coaches Gemma and Sean are back from college!  You'll likely see them a few days next week, helping out with the daily lessons during the week.

8 and Unders:
Continuing to focus on free and back as well as introducing more butterfly and breaststroke. 

9 and Ups:

Monday: Breaststroke/drills and dives

Tuesday: Butterfly/drills and dives
Wednesday: Freestyle/drills and dives

Thursday: Backstroke/drills and dives

Friday: Underwaters

*Note: Spring swim clinics are being held again this weekend; 11:00-11:45 for 9 and Ups, 12:00-12:45 for 8 and Unders

Come Show Off Your Cornhole Skills

Thanks the dedicated work, creativity, and unique set of skills of our social director Carri Maas and her family, we have some new toys to play with!Look for a new deck box adjacent to the basketball court later this week. The deck box is meant for storing cornhole boards and bags when not in use. Please return eight bags (4 red, 4 blue) to each nylon black carrying bag so the next members can enjoy a game with a full set of bags. We also please ask members to return the boards and bags to the deck box each evening so that our sets make it through the season without undue weather damage!

Guests Are Great...But...

The lifeguards and pool manager want to send a quick reminder to all of us that we need to be sure that when someone has guests use the pool, that person hosting the guests should actually be at the pool. Also, the lifeguards have reported that a few people who clearly aren't anyone's guests have been finding a way onto the facilities and using the pool as of late.  I know it feels good to be courteous to our fellow patrons by holding doors open and letting people in when they've forgotten a key fob, but please try to avoid allowing people in that you do not personally know.  This can help ensure a safer pool for all of us...and fewer extremely uncomfortable interactions for our hard-working lifeguards.

Late Spring Schedule (*Starting Saturday, 5/4 to 5/31)

(Please Reference the Calendar on the OPP Website for the Swim Team Schedule)

How Do I Sign Up My Child For Lessons???

Several families have expressed interest, and confusion, about how to sign their children up for swim lessons.  Today, we walk you through the steps:

Step 1- setting up an account with TeamUnify:

-go to: https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/recoppstca/page/team-registration  (please Do Not sign in to any TeamUnify account first if you have one from a different sport/activity).

-Scroll down and click on Add to Cart.

-Scroll up and click on My Shopping Cart.

-Set up a TeamUnify/SportsEngine Account.

-Complete the process.

*Note: it takes up to 48 hours for the account to be approved.

Step 2- sign up for lessons (must be signed in to your approved TeamUnify account):

- Clinic on this link to select a lesson (scroll down and click on "Show More Classes" when needed):  https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/recoppstca/controller/cms/admin/index?team=recoppstca#/classreg-shopping

Please also take note of these following items:

1. Lessons are offered on a weekly basis. 

2. Registration for the following week opens at 1pm each Thursday. 

3. There is a cancellation policy for members that requires 48 hour email notice to receive a full refund.

4. There are no make up lessons offered for missed lessons...sorry!

Additional Questions:  manager@orindaparkpool.org

If you have any questions or comments for us, please reach out to us at news@orindaparkpool.org.