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Sunday, March 16th - Opening Day!

Board Election Results

Shockingly, in our board election that we had in our November board meeting, we had 3 uncontested candidates that received 100% of the votes cast.  Please welcome our new OPP board members Ghazaleh Afshar (Special Projects) and Ari Hatton (Membership) when you get a chance.  While you're at it, please congratulate Jake Blackshear on his successful attempt to return as Board Secretary as well.  And if that wasn't enough people to congratulate for you, feel free to also cheer on Ian McGowan who was appointed to fill an at large vacant position on the board for the unexpired portion of the term.  We're all super excited about what these individuals can contribute to our attempts to constantly make OPP the best pool around.

Looking to the Offseason

If you missed the president's letter from earlier this week, here's another chance to read it. David Glass gives a rundown of the 2024 season, addresses the end of season surveys, and discusses some things in the work for the winter.  David also mentions in his letter that we had a great year at OPP in 2024, and we're already ramping up to make 2025 even better.  Please look forward to lots of new events, improved communications, and some updates to the pool for 2025.  We'll update you on progress for these items as they come into focus. 

We Have a Bundling Problem OPP -- Please Help Us Sort Out Your Family's Membership Details

Your membership team, Diane Petek and Ari Hatton, would like to give the whole community a heads up that our OPP membership database suffered a massive (internal) jumble by the software company.  Please note this was not something sinister or any type of a data breach, simply a mishap by the software company that we use for our membership accounts.  As a result, you may be receiving inaccurate membership emails regarding your account.  It is imperative that each person in charge their--or their family's--account take a moment to log into their OPP account and update their profile. The head of the household (or primary person responsible for your family's account) is the considered the "Bundle Coordinator" and all other members associated with the account (living in the same household) need to be added as "Bundle Members". Please check that the information is accurate and that all bundle members are added. 

How do you do this?  Glad you asked.  While logged in, please use the following link on the OPP website to access your account information:  Link and Instructions to Update Your Profile.  If you are worried about this being some spam email, we want to stress that you should log into your OPP account first by looking for our website online, then click on the link above for instructions on how to update your account.

We are working diligently to get this account matter resolved as soon as possible and ask that all members update their accounts by 12/15/2024. 

If you notice any errors on your account while you review it, please alert the membership team so that we can correct the database. Email us at

Also note, dues for next year have gone up slightly to $2,150.  This will help offset increases in maintenance, insurance, and utilities for the pool.  Invoices for 2025 will be going out shortly, please make your payment as soon as possible or let us know if you plan to relinquish your membership.  If you do decide to relinquish your membership, please complete the form via the following link:

Thank you!

When Do We Get News on 2025!?!

Swim season will be upon us faster than we anticipate.  We're still in the planning phase for 2025 meets, lessons, coaches' clinics, and other Stingray related events that will start around mid-March.  Please be on the lookout for updates on these events in our OPP calendar.  We will also send out announcements that will cover details as soon as we get things finalized.


Goooooooooooo Park!

Getting To Know Some Busy People at OPP

It's back by popular demand! In this month's newsletter, we get to meet a new member of OPP's board, Ghazaleh Afshar.  Ghazaleh was just elected to the Special Projects position on the board at Orinda Park Pool.  Please read below to find out more about our wonderful new addition to the crew!

Q: When did you move to the Bay, and  what other places have you called home? 

A: I moved to the Bay Area in 2008 to start my career in medicine.  I grew up in Bethesda, Maryland which is a suburb of Washington DC. Also lived in San Diego for 2 years  before moving to the Bay Area. 

Q: Did you participate in swimming yourself when you were a kid?

A: I did! I was on the swim team through high school. My favorite heats were the 500m Free and 200m Free relays.

Q: What other activities did you participate in while growing up?

A: I was a competitive volleyball player growing up and had to give it up when I got to college. Being in a D1 school, I quickly realized my professional aspirations could not support my involvement with D1 volleyball.  Sad to leave the sport but happy with my choice to pursue a career in medicine. 

Q: What is your current profession and what do you like most about your work?

A: I am a Minimally invasive Gynecologic surgeon with specialized training in laparoscopic and robotic techniques for disease processes like Endometriosis, Fibroid and female related surgical issues. I recently left my job after 18 years with KP to develop a practice in personalized/concierge medicine with a focus in women's health beyond the reproductive years, ie perimenopause and menopause stages. With my dual expertise in Gynecology and Lifestyle Medicine, I am passionate about empowering women to navigate this transformative time with confidence and vitality. 

Q: Do you have any other hobbies that you regularly do these days?

A:  My regular hobbies include fitness, hiking, live music and traveling

Q: Do you have any other family members that go to the pool?

A: Yes, my husband Tom and proud Stingray daughters Ava (7th grade) and Nadia (6th grade). 

Q: As the new projects manager at OPP, what are you looking forward to pursuing the most in the upcoming year?

A: As this point, I don’t have an agenda but look forward to developing a better understanding of the existing issues.  As a member of the pool, I would really like to have better bathroom facilities and a kitchen with better food options for our families.  Likely a greater capital project for expansion but love to dream BIG while keeping cost and timelines practical. 

Q: Is there anything that you want to tell our members with respect to your new board position?

A: I have an open door policy and am VERY open to feedback and ideas. Also if you have a good contractor that you want to recommend, I would be happy to have a list of reasonable priced and effective teams to interview for our upcoming projects. 

Q: What are some of the things that you're excited about when March comes around and the pool opens back up?

A:  I’m excited to be back to the OPP culture which is so welcoming and joyous.  We joined OPP because of its beautiful pool and to escape the cold Berkeley summers, but quickly joined the swim team culture.  There are lots of friends that we look forward to catching up with when the season starts.

Q; As a new pool board member, which person on the board have you been least impressed with?

A:  haha!  I like to keep my cards close.  Still in the taking notes stage of the process.  :)

Q: Are there any families or people at the pool that you'd like to give a shout out to before we wrap this up?

A:  I would love to send a shout out to my swim mamas... Sh-nene and Rae Rae aka Shannon and Rachel. Also Alexis, KC, Kristin, Rebecca and Amanda.  There are so many but that is a good place to start.

If you have any questions or comments for us, please reach out to us at